Carthage provides WiFi coverage to residence halls and most other campus locations. Wired ethernet connections are also provided in each room.


To connect using WiFi, look for the wireless network (SSID) Carthage-Open or Carthage-Secure. Both are safe and operate at the same speeds; Carthage-Secure offers an added layer of encryption, but isn’t always compatible with every device, so use whichever one works for you. There are no passwords for our network; however, once your device connects to the selected wireless network, it must be registered in order to work. Instructions for device registration are shown below.


If you want a faster, more reliable connection, or if your device does not support wifi, there is one active ethernet jack in each residence hall room. Please look for the yellow jack or the one in the upper left-hand corner of your wall plate, depending on the location. Please provide your own ethernet cable as well as a USB to ethernet adapter if needed.

When you arrive on campus each of your devices needs to be registered to connect to the Carthage network and the internet. How you register your device will depend on whether the device has a browser. In order to register, you must know your Carthage username and password. If you forgot your password, go to OneLogin to reset it.


If your device has a built-in browser, first connect to wifi or a wired connection, then open your browser to any web address. You should be immediately sent to the registration page. Check the box to accept the “Acceptable Use Policy,” and then enter your Carthage username and password. Registrations are valid for 365 days. Once you have registered your device, you can use the internet on campus.


If your device does not have a browser, you must register it manually using another computer or device that already has network access. If you are trying to connect a Chromecast please consult this guide. If you are still having trouble, please send an email to

Follow these steps:

  • Visit the Carthage Network Access form (
  • Read the “Acceptable Use Policy” and click the box next to “I accept the terms.”
  • Log in with your Carthage username and password
  • Click “Log in.”
  • On the next screen you will need to supply your MAC address and your device type. The MAC address needs to be entered in the following format: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX. (Find the MAC address for your device)
  • Select your device type from the dropdown menu. If you do not see the appropriate device type choose “Other.”
  • Click “Register.” Registrations are valid for 180 days.
  • Restart the device you just registered.
  • You may check the status of your device registration here.


Users may check the registration status of their devices. On this page, click the box next to “I accept the terms” and enter your Carthage username and password. You should see a list of the devices you have currently registered for use on the Carthage network.

Residence hall wireless best practices - be a good wifi neighbor!

Personal electronic devices that broadcast wireless signals cause major interference to Carthage’s wireless network. When the broadcast wifi setting is enabled on these devices it clutters the airspace causing performance and connection issues for those devices trying to communicate with Carthage’s wireless access points. These devices include wireless printers, gaming systems, media players, cellular hotspots, streaming devices, smart outlets, and various other IoT (Internet of Things) devices.

What Can You Do?

Determine whether you have any personal devices listed below. Perform the steps necessary, as shown below, to disable the wireless broadcast, referred to as “Ad-hoc wireless.”

What Devices Interrupt Carthage Wifi?

Common devices that broadcast an “Ad-hoc” wireless signal that will interfere with Carthage’s wifi:

  • Wireless printers
  • Wireless access points/routers (Netgear, Asus, Cisco, Linksys, etc.)
  • Cell phone hotspots
  • Wireless switches and hubs
  • Smart home devices
  • Apple Time Capsules
  • Gaming systems (e.g. PS4)
  • Streaming devices (e.g. Roku, Chromecast)

How Do I Disable Wifi Broadcasting On My Devices?

Wireless Printers

Turn off the wireless broadcast on your printer. Often personal wireless printers offer an “Ad-hoc” wireless service that interferes with Carthage’s wireless system and can prevent you or others from connecting to the Carthage-Open and Carthage-Secure networks. If you do not see your model in the list below Google “disable wifi on my wireless [enter printer-type] printer.”

Most HP Models

  1. Use the menu to navigate to Setup > Network > Wireless Radio (on some models this is towards the bottom of the scrollable menu).
  2. Turn the Wireless Radio to “OFF.”

HP Photosmart d110

  1. Some models may allow you to press the blue “wireless” button on the bottom front of the printer to turn the light out and service off. (You may need to hold the button for five seconds to turn the light out.)
  2. If the above is not successful, use the menu to navigate to Settings > Wireless > Wireless Settings > Disable Wireless > OK.

HP Laserjet p1102w

  1. Press and hold the “wireless” image button on the left-hand button panel for five seconds to turn the light out and service off.

HP Photosmart c4780

  1. From the front panel, choose “Scan.” Scroll up or down to find Networking.
  2. Select Networking, then turn off Wireless.
  3. If the wireless indicator persists:
    1. Shut the printer down.
    2. Hold the “wireless” and “cancel” buttons together while powering the printer on.
    3. Wait for all the lights to flash together and then let the buttons go.

Epson Models

  1. Press the Setup button.
  2. Select Wi-Fi/Network Settings.
  3. Select Wi-Fi Setup.
  4. Select Wi-Fi Setup Wizard.
  5. Select Disable Wi-Fi.

Most Canon Models

  1. Press and hold the Resume/Cancel button, then release when the Power lamp flashes twelve times.
  2. Note that when you enable the wireless LAN, press and hold the Resume/Cancel button, then release the button when the Power lamp flashes ten times.

Wireless Access Points/Routers

Turn off any personal routers and the experience for Carthage’s wireless will improve for everyone around you. Use of personal wireless access points or routers is prohibited in residence halls. These devices cause interference and prevent others from having clean access to the Carthage wifi.

Cell Phone Hotspots

Save your data plan and turn off your personal cell phone hotspot. These devices cause interference and prevent other users from getting, and staying connected, to the Carthage wifi.

Apple Time Capsule

Please turn off wireless on these devices and connect them to the wired network to back up your devices (you will need to register the Ethernet MAC address as you would on wireless). Apple Time Capsules consume a great deal of wireless bandwidth and make other use of Carthage’s wifi unstable.

Gaming Systems

The PS4 sets itself up as an “Ad-hoc” wireless access point with its own network if you have Remote Play turned on and the option to connect directly to a PS Vita or motion controllers. If both the PS4 and Vita are on the same wifi network you can turn off the direct-connect option and the “Ad-hoc” wireless broadcast disappears. This will greatly help those around you trying to use the Carthage wifi.

Streaming Devices (Roku/Chromecast)

Chromecast: The Chromecast only broadcasts its wireless network for initial setup. Should the Chromecast fail to connect to the Carthage-Open network it will automatically go back into its setup state and you will see the “Ad-hoc” wireless network become available. A blinking white light means the Chromecast is not connected to a wireless network. A solid white light means the device is connected to a wireless network and ready to accept “casts.” A blinking Chromecast should either be set up or disconnected from your TV or display device as it is broadcasting itself as an available wireless access point and interfering with Carthage wifi.

Roku: Some models of Roku streaming devices are known to set up an “Ad-hoc” wireless network to allow their remote control to communicate with the device. This wireless remote network causes interference with other wireless networks that may be running on the same channel and can degrade performance on Carthage wifi.

Food service, SECURITY, Bookstore

Employees that work on the Carthage campus but aren’t employed by the College may access the wifi network using Guest Access. If an employee of one of the above departments would like access to the wifi on a more permanent basis, they may request that through their supervisor. The employee’s supervisor should then contact Human Resources to talk about provisioning contract employees as Carthage employees.

campus guests (one-time use)

People visiting the Carthage campus for a fixed amount of time may connect to the wifi network using Guest Access. Open a browser and follow the directions on the form to request guest wifi access on your personal device on campus. Consult this page for further information on connecting as a guest.

Please contact the Hedberg Library Information Desk (262-551-5950 or email if you need assistance.


People visiting the Carthage campus for a fixed amount of time may connect to the wifi network using Guest Access. Users may request further services during a camp or conference (wifi or printing access) via Meggan Mazanet (

Users without an email address: You must sign in to the campus wifi as a guest user. Open a browser and follow the directions on the form to request guest wifi access on your personal device on campus. Consult this page for further information on connecting as a guest.

Please contact the Hedberg Library Information Desk (262-551-5950 or email if you need assistance.

Cybercrime has been increasing exponentially in the last few years and it can harm you personally, professionally, and due to your privileged access to college data, your action or inaction can also impact students and the College. Good security is everyone’s responsibility. Library and Information Services wants to provide tools and resources for all members of the Carthage Community to take responsibility for IT Security.

Take a look at LIS’ Information Security presentations below for more information.


Carthage occasionally will be targeted in phishing attacks, that will attempt to obtain access to users’ accounts. Phishing attacks can steal, alter, or destroy your data. They may introduce viruses, adware, spyware, or ransomware to your computer or device. They may obtain your password or other data for malicious use. Phishing attackers may pose as a reputable entity and may be convincing (the emails may have company logos, legitimate phone numbers, links to actual company websites, or email signatures of actual people you know). They may use scare tactics that come from emails, phone calls, text messages, or abandoned flash drives.

To protect yourself, be suspicious. Watch for messages with spelling or grammatical errors. Beware of messages urging you to take action - asking you to send sensitive information, clicking a link, or downloading an attachment. Keep an eye out for emails from people you don’t know, or people making odd requests or asking you to provide information. Check the sender’s email address to make sure it is legitimate. If it is from someone you know, ask if they really sent it.

When using public computers, never use the “stay signed in” offer. Don’t let the browser remember your passwords. Be sure to sign out of any accounts; don’t just close the browser window. Clear your browsing and download history, delete cookies and passwords.


  • Have a strong password/passcode on all of your devices.
  • Ensure software is up-to-date. Turn on automatic updates where possible.
  • Lock your device when you walk away from it.
  • Encrypt internal and external storage drives.
  • Physically secure your devices in your work area to reduce theft.

For more information on securing specific devices, visit our FAQ for the following articles:


  • Don’t tell the truth: Don’t use information about yourself or your life that could be looked up, including the names of your pets, your hometown, the name of your spouse or partner, etc.
  • Don’t make sense: There is no reason for your password to make sense. Passwords that make sense are easier to predict, which makes them easier to crack.
  • Avoid predictable phrases: Avoid using quotes or names of characters from pop culture. Use a password/passphrase that is 12 or more characters in length and has a combination of upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. The more characters, the harder your password is to hack.
  • Avoid obvious punctuation: Replace the letter “o” with zeros, the letter “a” with @, etc.
  • Never have multiple accounts with the same password: If one account is compromised, the other will be compromised as well.
  • Treat important accounts with extra care: Use separate browsers for work and play. Clear your browser history before logging in to an important account.
  • Don’t write down your password and store them near your computer.
  • Don’t let browsers store passwords for you.


Carthage requires 2-factor authentication (also called 2-step verification or multi-factor authentication) for all Carthage faculty and staff Google Apps accounts. Multi-factor authentication requires the user to have both the correct account password AND access to a specific telephone or mobile device, making it much harder for a cyber attacker to use a lost or stolen password to access your account. Logging in to your account requires you have something you know and something you have.


  • Be skeptical of all public wifi (especially wifi accounts called TWCWiFi, attwifi, and Free Wi-Fi; hackers know these are common wifi accounts so they will disguise unsafe accounts with these names).
  • Check the authenticity of public wifi before connecting: Ask the owner of the hotspot for the correct network name and password.
  • Read the terms and conditions carefully before you agree.
  • If utilizing public wifi, avoid using sites that transmit personal or sensitive information (such as email, banking, shopping, etc.)
  • Utilize a secure VPN connection when on public wifi.
  • “Forget” the network on your device when you are done with it.
  • Turn of wi-fi when you are not actively using it.
  • Choose encrypted networks/password-protected (secure) networks when possible.

This website provides a good summary of the above information.


In addition to our need to protect Carthage students, parents, staff, faculty, and the College from data insecurities, we have growing legal and contractual requirements to adhere to. Many federal mandates now require policies, procedures, and breach disclosures related to cybersecurity. The Carthage “IT Security and Acceptable Use of Technology Policy” was defined to clearly communicate these cybersecurity expectations and meet the requirement for a formal security policy.

  • All Carthage data must be stored in LIS-approved applications or LIS-approved storage drives.
  • G Suite for Education(i.e. Gmail, Google Drive, Google Apps) is the only authorized cloud data repository for individual or team storage of unstructured data.
  • If temporary local copies of data are needed, they must be uploaded to an LIS-approved storage drive on a periodic basis to minimize the risk of loss.
  • You must use a password-protected screen saver if you deal with confidential data.

H: Drives

H: drives (or personal drives) are private network folders that allow Carthage employees to store Carthage-related files that need to be backed up. Files stored on your H: drive can be seen only by you. Files that need to be shared by multiple people in your department should instead be saved to the S: drive. Due to space limitations, H: drives will have a 15 GB limit when created. You will receive email notifications alerting you of your space utilization as you get closer to the 15 GB maximum. H: drives are available to faculty and staff upon request (students are not eligible for H: drives). Please send all requests to

S: Drive

The S: drive (Shared drive) is a shared network drive that allows Carthage employees to share data within their department. Each department has a shared folder on the root of the S: drive. Permissions to your departmental folder should be automatically granted upon the creation of your user account. If you believe your permissions are incorrect, or you require access to additional folders, please send a request to

VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is a technology that creates a safe and encrypted connection over a less secure network, such as the Internet. LIS offers VPN services to Carthage staff and faculty who require it to perform their job duties. The typical use case for VPN is a need to access enterprise systems from off-campus. Beyond that, each VPN request is considered on a case-by-case basis. Permissions for VPN can be requested by your supervisor by sending an email to

Instructions to Install and Access the Carthage VPN

VPN services are generally not available to Carthage students. In certain scenarios, Computer Science students will be granted limited VPN permissions on a per-project basis. These requests must come from the Chair of the Computer Science Department. All other student requests for VPN will be denied.


While traveling back home, some international students may run into Internet censorship from their home country. This censorship may block access to critical resources such as Google. While LIS does not take an official stance on this, it is typical to use a VPN under these circumstances. As noted above, the Carthage VPN is not generally available to students, but the following products are common recommendations when traveling internationally:

Free Services
Paid for Services

It is recommended to download multiple VPNs since travelers to China report they experience inconsistency in which VPN services work best on any given day.

* Note: LIS has not vetted, tested, or verified any of the above products and would be unable to assist with setup and troubleshooting.